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Crypto Wallet Development: Everything You Need to Know

crypto wallet development company
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Danijela Tomić
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So, you're thinking about diving into the wild world of crypto wallet development, huh? Picture this: you're a digital locksmith, forging keys to virtual vaults filled with pixelated gold. Your mission? To build the Fort Knox of the blockchain era, but with fewer heist movies and more cryptographic algorithms. So, if you're ready to unlock the secrets (and fortunes) of the crypto cosmos, let’s get started before Bitcoin hits the moon, again. At the end of this article, we'll share the best alternative to building your own crypto wallet: a white label crypto wallet solution.

But First, What Is a Crypto Wallet?

A crypto wallet is like a digital bank account for your cryptocurrency. It doesn't hold your coins physically, but it stores your private keys, a special password that lets you access your digital money. Imagine you have a magic locker at a music festival. The locker itself isn't holding your cash, but the key you have lets you open it to get your stuff whenever you need it.

Similarly, a crypto wallet lets you access your Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other cryptocurrency you own, allowing you to send, receive, and manage your digital assets securely. Just make sure that don't lose your key, or in this case, you'll be locked out of your crypto holdings forever.

5 Examples of Crypto Wallets

Just like choosing between Venmo, PayPal, or a traditional bank, the right crypto wallet depends on your needs and preferences. Let's explore the various options available to keep your crypto safe and sound.


Pocket is a crypto wallet designed for retail clients, streamlining transactions for buying, selling, or trading crypto and fiat. With transaction limits extending up to 15,000 EUR, which can be adjusted upon request and verification of funds, it offers convenience and flexibility. Sporting a simple, user-friendly interface, Pocket boasts a range of handy features, including instant price locking and personalized deposit addresses. Plus, with the promise of the best deals and round-the-clock customer support available in the CET time zone, Pocket stands out in the crowd. Keep an eye out for its upcoming launch on Google Play and the App Store!

Meta Mask

MetaMask is the king of DeFi wallets, with over 1 million users and compatibility with several blockchains, including support for over 200,000 tokens, including NFTs. Offering users the ability to store, purchase, send, and swap cryptocurrencies with maximum convenience, MetaMask is a versatile solution. Whether accessed as a desktop application or through its mobile app counterpart, MetaMask provides seamless functionality for crypto enthusiasts on the go.


Aside from hot wallets, there are also cold crypto wallets, known as hardware wallets, with Ledger Nano S and X being among the most popular choices. Both are favorites of long-term crypto investors and anyone who wants sole control over their asset keys. The Model X features Bluetooth connectivity, allowing it to be paired with a laptop or smartphone, while the S model, lacking Bluetooth, is more affordable. Nevertheless, both models provide a high level of security and support a wide range of tokens.

Why Build a Crypto Wallet On Your Own?

With numerous options available for crypto wallets, one might wonder why they would consider building one themselves. Well, here are the main reasons.

First, building your crypto wallet allows you to tailor features precisely to your needs and preferences, so that you can have a fully personalized experience. Also, most people having their own crypto wallets do not want to rely on third-party services, especially when knowing that there is a risk of data breaches. Basically, if you do this right, you can implement the right measures and have a full control over your assets. Lastly, if you own a business, then you're most likely going to need that crypto wallet built just for you, customized to your business's needs, integrated with all the platforms you typically use, and supporting all the cryptos that you accept or use for transactions.

How to Develop a Crypto Wallet App?

To kick things off, you should plan out what features you want, whether it be sending, receiving, and maybe even trading cryptocurrencies. Then, it's time to code! You'll need to use programming languages like JavaScript or Python to build the app's functionality, and then to add layers of encryption to keep your assets safe from hackers. Finally, to make sure everything works smoothly before launching your app into the wild, you need to test it out multiple times.

Work with a Cryptocurrency Wallet Development Company

If all of the above sounds like too much, if you don't know how to code, or if you simply don't have the time to develop everything from scratch on your own, you can always seek out someone who offers blockchain wallet development services. Most crypto wallet app development companies can complete the work in a much shorter timeframe compared to what you'd need to do on your own. The cost of cryptocurrency wallet development services can range up to $100,000.

Alternative to Crypto Wallet Development

And now, if you're thinking there's no middle ground - you lack the knowledge to develop a crypto wallet app on your own, and you don't have $100,000 to pay someone to do it for you - there's good news. There is a solution: a white-label crypto wallet. This comes with pre-packaged features but can also be customized to meet your and your business's needs. Lykke has developed BOSQUET, a white-label crypto wallet with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. It includes a mobile app, supports seamless transactions, quick fiat-to-crypto exchanges, smooth withdrawals, and more. If you want to learn how we can help, book a demo and we'll go through everything together.

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